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Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Yiayia and her Grandbabies

It's been a week since Yiayia came to visit. She was here for nine days. It was great having her here! We had lots of yummy food and got all caught up on laundry. Sam was very happy to have her here because she played lots of games with him and gave him lots of attention. It was wonderful to have someone to hold Ben so that I could take a shower or nap without worrying about him crying. It was also nice just to not be alone in the house all day.

Yiayia taught Sam to say "zelia psora" and do the hand gestures that go with it. Sam loved it because they were basically making fun of Cleo being jealous of Sam's food and telling her that she couldn't have any.

Yiayia spent lots of time playing with Sam and he loved every minute of it. We've been having issues with Sam being jealous of all the attention that Ben has been getting from Mommy, so Sam was happy to have Yiayia to himself in the evenings.

There was lots of time to hold Ben while he was sleeping.

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