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Friday, November 20, 2009

Ben's 1 Month Checkup

We had Ben's one month checkup yesterday. He's really catching up in weight. I think he weighs about the same as Sam at his one month checkup. He got only one vaccination, so there wasn't much crying. Here are the stats ...

Weight: 8 lbs 9 oz (24%)
Length: 21 in (34%)
Head Cir.: 14.25 in (16%)

Well, the breast feeding saga is over. I started weaning Ben yesterday after his appointment. His doctor agreed that it was the best plan, especially for my sanity. A huge weight has been lifted and the rest of the day was the best day we've had for a while. Chris even went to a hockey game with Ian, and I was able to bathe Sam, read him books, and put him to bed on my own while Ben took a nap.

Chris took the day off since we had a doctor appointment for Ben and another one for me and Sam's Thanksgiving Feast at school. Knowing exactly how much formula Ben is taking, we are better able to put him on a schedule. We've also moved him to his cradle in our room for sleeping. Originally he was alternating between the bouncer and the swing. Then, even though I swore I'd never do it, I moved him in the bed with me for a week or so. He's slept all night in the cradle for the last two nights, and I don't plan on moving him back. I'm actually getting less sleep because he's waking up a little more often, but I'm getting better sleep and I feel better about it. He was sleeping a five hour stretch with me, but he's back to 3 hours in the cradle. Hopefully he'll start sleeping for longer stretches once he gets used to it.

With Chris home for the day, we got to take a nice long walk. Ben fell asleep and slept for hours. We had to wake him to feed him before my doctor appointment.

Here are the boys taking a bath. Sam loves to help rinse Ben off. We still have to remind him constantly not to pour water on his head.

One of Ben's favorite places to hang out (and fall asleep) is his bouncer. Nanner got him this little bear and Sam insists that Ben have it all the time.

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