We took a day off last week and went to go see Thomas & Friends Live! On Stage: A Circus Comes to Town at the Nokia Theater in Grand Prairie.
This is a picture of us in the lobby before the show.
I was surprised at the quality of the production and sets. It was a real musical - 45 minutes, then a 15 minute intermission, then another 45 minutes of show.
We knew Sam would love it. What could be better than Thomas AND the circus!
This scene was down at the docks with Cranky the crane. Sam said, "Mommy, Cranky didn't move. They didn't turn him on. I think he needs some batteries. I'll get him some next time."
This scene is on Farmer McColl's farm. Thomas and Percy and the circus car where the only trains that got out on stage and moved around. They even connected the circus car to Thomas and had him pulling it across the stage with Percy pulling. Gordon and James where the other two trains in the show, but you only saw their fronts. They never actually came out of the sheds. They also had cutouts of Harold the helicopter and Trevor the tractor. Sam kept asking, "Where's Henry?"
This is a scene from the finale where they had the circus at Tidmouth Sheds. Sir Topham was the ringmaster.
This video shows how Thomas moved around on stage. You can hear Sam making the whistle sound in the background.
We went to the original Burger House in Snider Plaza near the SMU campus for lunch.
Wow, Emily, the Thomas thing looked SO cool!!! How neat.
Y'all should have taken MiMi to lunch with you!
Glad you guys stopped by -- hope the burgers hit the stop! PS- I put some of our season salt on a po' boy once...pretty tasty.
*seasoning (whoops)
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