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Sunday, January 30, 2011

Out and About with Sam

Here are a few shots of us out and about with Sam, mostly taken with my new iPhone 4 that I got for Christmas. I've posted most of these to Facebook, but I build our family albums off the blog site so I wanted to post them here too.

Sam started taking swimming lessons again in September. He love them and he is really starting to swim quite well on his own. His favorite parts are the big water slide and finding the rings under the water.

Sam is getting better and faster at skating now that he has gotten used to all of the equipment.

Allen Americans hockey game

Sick with the flu and an ear infection

Playing his Leapster ... he is sorta obsessed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow....your family is awesome, Emily. I am so happy for you. You have come a long way from when I knew you. Take care and be safe.

An old Friend from Indianola