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Tuesday, April 05, 2011

Spring Break - Part 1 - Around the House

Lulu and Pops came to visit for Spring Break. The boys got a lot of play time in the back yard. The sandbox, slide, and bubbles were the favorites.

Ben was fearless on the slide.

But he did not want to share.

A bubble machine ... sit back and relax!

Here's Mimi keeping Ben entertained while we try to cook. Ben has been very clingy lately. He's getting all of his teeth at once. He has all but one premolar now and two new and he got his top two lateral incisors this week. He's been sent home twice for fever related to teething. Several nights we've just put him straight to bed because he was so miserable he didn't want to eat dinner. He was back to his happy self this past weekend so we hope he'll get a break for a while.

1 comment:

The Garden Gate said...

Because that's what MiMi's do.