We gave Sam his first bubble-bath this weekend. He didn't quite know what to think of it at first and even seemed a little scared or confused. But, he started having a great time when Daddy showed him all the fun things he could do with the bubbles. I took this picture after Chris put bubbles all over his face and then blew them on Sam. You can see Sam's earplugs in this picture.

Sam started putting his hand up to his ear and saying "O" when our phone rings. I try to put the phone up to his ear so he can hear the person talking. He gets a big smile on his face, but quickly loses interest and would rather push the buttons. Here he is playing with his toy flip-phone. He puts it up to his ear and we say "hello."

I thought this was cute! ... look close at the bike seat, Sam was taking his weeble for a ride through the house.

Here's a picture that Grandma Mary Lou took of Sam eating pasta at the tearoom in Plano last weekend.
Sam has started singing a little. He mostly does it after we sing him a song, but sometimes he just does it on his own, especially when we are driving somewhere. His favorites are definitely Itsy Bitsy Spider and Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. He's even started trying to do the movements for Itsy Bitsy Spider. By the way, after throwing the worst screaming fits when we change his diaper for as long as I can remember, Sam is perfectly fine with having his diaper changed now. We started singing to him again when we change his diaper. He loves it. We can sing to him other times when he's upset and it calms him down. It's so sweet.
So I guess Sam is starting to climb. We don't really have anything in our house that he is tall enough to climb yet, or maybe I'm just naive. When we were at the pediatrician's office last week, he was pushing this little baby chair around the room while I was talking to the doctor. Then all of a sudden it got really quiet, so I looked over at him really quick and he was standing in the chair. He looked at me, he made this little squeaky "uh" sound, and got a look on his face which told me he was proud that he got there, but had no idea how to get down. I ran over and grabbed him really quick and put him on the floor. His reaction? Of course he climbed right back up on the chair! Look what I can do!
We went to the ENT this morning. Sam's ear infection is cleared up. The doctor didn't seem to be worried at this point that he got another infection because the tubes did their job and let the fluid drain. She did tell us to come see her instead of his pediatrician if he gets another infection so she can culture it -- I guess to see if it's bacterial or viral. If he keeps getting ear infections, we'll have to explore other options.
1 comment:
About 2 more weeks! You just wait little boy...oh, the songs I'm going to teach you!
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