My mom and grandmother came to visit for the weekend. Sam was in a great mood. He played hard. I don't think he sat still the whole time. It was nice having so many people around for Sam to play with. Grandma Mary Lou chased him around the house and wore him out.

Mom and I went to Barnes and Noble on Friday and bought Sam some new books. Our new favorite is Skippyjon Jones. It's about a Siamese cat who thinks he's a Chihuahua (Skipito Friskito). It came with a little plush toy Skippyjon that we dance around while we "sing" the Mexican hat dance. I love it that Sam is so interested in books now. We don't always make it through every page, but we have fun trying. When Sam saw that Grandma had some books he raised his arms for her to pick him up. That's funny because she'd only been here for a few minutes and Sam is usually shy.

Grandma got this Rody Pony for Sam. We were playing with it while we were waiting to eat at the tearoom in downtown Plano. Later he was having so much fun bouncing that he didn't want to stop to drink his milk.

Sam has started turning towards us when we say his name. Imagine saying someone's name about a hundred thousand times and getting no response, and then one day, "yes, that's my name, what's going on?" It's just nice, especially when you're taking a picture.

Well, Sam started doing the sign for "more." What, you say? Sam wants more food? Oh no, Sam wants more "Itsy Bitsy Spider." I was trying to distract him by signing to him while Daddy was changing his diaper. When I finished, he did the sign for more. I sang it again, and "more" again. We sang it over and over. It was so much fun!
Sam started waving bye-bye again. He stopped waving when he was around 11 months old. He still won't do it all the time. Mostly he does it when he wants to leave, not when we ask him to. When he got down from the table tonight and started walking away, we waved and said bye-bye, and I swear he waved and said bye-bye back. He did it about three times.

Yes, we had another airspace violation this past weekend. It's always so much fun waking up at dawn with your dog going psycho and waking up your baby. It really is funny to watch once you shake off that confusion that comes from being woken up like that. Sam thinks Cleo is hilarious. You can see him here with his stuffed dog that he sleeps with every night. We call him Doggy Bear because I kept calling him Teddy Bear, only he's a dog, so it turned into Doggy Bear. Sam bites his ears.
Sam has another ear infection, just his right ear this time. It doesn't really seem to be bothering him, but it was causing a little fever. It's nice that we can use drops instead of giving him oral antibiotics, but it would be even nicer if he didn't get ear infections at all.
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