My dad came to visit last week. As always, we had great food and fun. We were really glad he was here for our 4th of July "excitement" (I'll let Chris tell you about that one himself).
Well, I don't know if you've heard, but it's rained almost every day for three months in Dallas. There's been lots of flooding, but nothing that has affected us personally. I'm just getting a little sick of the rain. On one hand it's been good because we had a drought last summer, but come on ... every day?!?!? We have a swimming pool for Pete's sake! This time last year it was 113 degrees and our pool was 96 degrees. This year it's in the mid 80s and the pool is only 81 degrees. I'd like to propose that we get a summer somewhere in the middle of those two extremes! But another benefit of rain is that our herbs are really growing. We have rosemary, sage, thyme, basil, oregano, and mint. I think our roses might be dying though. Do roses not like this much water?

When we were in Mississippi a few weeks ago, we went to Brown's art gallery and bought some Walter Anderson's prints. We had them painted, so we just now got them in the mail.

They're pretty large, so Chris had to stitch the Possum Family shot.

Update on Sam's Ears:
So we had our follow up to Sam's ear tube surgery scheduled for Friday, June 29th. On Thursday, the day before, we picked him up from day care and he had a fever and a runny nose. Ok, no big deal, he's getting a little cold, right? When we woke up Friday morning he had blood coming out of his left ear. Great! We went to the ENT as planned and it turns out he had a double ear infection. You might be thinking: "How does he get an ear infection with tubes?" Well, the tubes don't really prevent ear infections they just make them easier to treat. Both of his tubes had gotten plugged up, but the left one had obviously worked the plug out overnight. We had to take him in another room so the doctor could unplug and suction his ears. Needless to say, he didn't like that one bit. He felt better immediately though. So we had to put antibiotic/steroid drops in his ears for a week and schedule a follow up in one week. Unfortunately his fever didn't go away over the weekend and his nose was running like crazy, so I took him to his pediatrician on Monday. They did a strep test (throat swab) and a CBC (finger stick) to make sure that it was just a virus. It was, so we just kept giving him Benedryl and Ibuprofen. He was feeling better by Wednesday. I kept him home from day care until Thursday. Friday was the second follow up with the ENT. Sam's ears looked good so we went to the audiologist for his hearing test. He wouldn't cooperate, so they couldn't complete the test. We have a follow up for a hearing test scheduled in three months. The doctor said that he should cooperate better at that age. His ears are healthy now, so we should be looking for language development. The audiologist also made custom earplugs. Sam needs to wear them for his bath every night. They aren't required for swimming, but we'll probably use them then too any way.

After Sam's ENT appointment last week, I took him to Toy's R US and we got this Sand and Water table. He hasn't gotten to play with hit too much because of the rain, but he seems to like it ok. He'd still rather be playing in the pool.

Here's a little video of him splashing around.
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