Mr. Benny turned 9 months old last week. We took him for his well visit and here are the stats:
Length: 27.5 in (24%)
Head Cir: 17.5 in (25%)
He's pretty much tracking on the 25% growth curves. I think Sam was about the same until around two years old. Now Sam is tracking on the 50% curve.
Ben also had the Hep B vaccine. It didn't seem to make any difference that he only got one shot this time. We got just as many tears.
Ben is quite a handful now. He's pulling up on everything, crawling every where, getting into everything, and putting everything in his mouth. It's a lot of work trying to keep up with him and keep him out of trouble. We got the stair gates installed this weekend, so I rest a little easier. He was already figuring out that whole stair climbing thing.
I just love those eyes, that smile, and those dimples. Ben has never been very snuggly in the past, but he's been wonderfully snuggly lately.
This is our little man watching a movie. He usually doesn't sit still for the movies that Sam likes to watch, but we put on one of Sam's old baby movies and he loved it.
Ben is still not crazy about finger food in the form of fruits, veggies, meat, etc, but he does ok with bready things. He had waffles for the first time. His favorite snack are those little puffs that dissolve in his mouth, but he'll also eat cookies, crackers, cereal, and cereal bars.
Ben has started wanting to sit in Daddy's lap when he's reading books. He's usually pretty tired by the time we make it to story time, so he usually doesn't make it through more than one book.
Ben insisted that this strawberry milk was his, not Sam's.

He was quite excited to win that fight and even tried a little of the milk. His doctor said it would be ok to start introducing him to milk instead of having formula all the time, but making that transition from warm formula to cold milk takes some getting used to. He mostly gets the milk in his mouth and let's it dribble out every where.
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