Ben is officially 0ut of his baby tub and taking a regular bath. Daddy held onto him the first few nights but he's pretty stable now. It's hard to wash him though because he starts kicking his legs to splash as soon as you stand him up to wash him.
Sam loves having Ben in the tub with him. He especially loves to splash him in the face and pour water on his head.
Of course Ben is not content to actually stay seated in the tub. After a few good rounds of splashing his practicing he's other new skill of pulling up.
Here's some bath time footage. My favorite part is where Sam is whining about getting his hair washed and says "no" ... then Benny starts saying "no" too.
the older one is ready for c--k, love to f--k him while his little brother looks on and later he can suck my d--k while I suck his brothers
love to be in the bath with the older one mmm rub his cute body
this is a true story. I was babysitting my 6 year old nephew and we were watching a movie and we were covered by a blanket and he was wearing silk shorts and I just stuck my hand inside his shorts and underwear and started stroking his pee pee and he said what are you doing and I said I just want to feel your pee pee and I took my hand out of his shorts and I said stand up and get fully undressed and he did and his pee pee was so small, he is also circumcised too. And I said lay down on the couch and he did and I said I want to do something I saw people do and I started sucking and at first he was extremely surprised and I said it’s ok and his pee pee was hard and I sucked for 10 minutes and I stopped and his pee pee was sticking straight up and then I said can I keep your underwear so I can remember this day and he said yeah and they are sold black Batman briefs and I said this is our little secret don’t tell anybody and he said ok and I went to go get another pair of underwear and then I dressed him and I said kiss me on my lips so I can make sure you don’t tell anybody and he kissed me and I love his kisses bc they are always wet. That day was the best day of my life. You don’t know the joy and the feeling of sucking a little boys pee pee. This was the first time I did it to him but it wasn’t the last. I do it each time I babysit him. And I also have more amazing memories with him
I want to widen it with you.
mmm lovely little tots ready for cock , all holes area go nothing barred
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