Sam had his gymnastics recital the week before his Christmas break started. Sam has been participating in gymnastics with the same instructor since he was about two and a half. He LOVES tip-overs. Sam was very excited to get a medal, but was even more excited that I was there to see him.

Balance beam.
Ms. Amy has been trying to get him to do backwards rolls and to flip over the bar, but Sam is scared to try sometimes.
Here's a video of Sam doing his gymnastics. Watch for the little happy dance that he does close to the end of the video. He does that little dance all over the house when he's excited.
Ben Update: Ben is back to sleeping through the night most nights (knock on wood!). It took him a few days and nights to get used to sleeping without the swaddle, but it wasn't too bad. He really seems to like his sleep sack because he stays warm and can get his hands in his mouth. Most mornings I find him sleeping on his side with his thumb in his mouth in the corner of the crib. The last two mornings he was on his stomach, so he's really mastered turning over. Ben is getting bigger and stronger every day. Sometimes it seems like he grew overnight. He's starting to sit in the Bumbo chair for a few minutes at a time, and he struggles against the straps to try to sit up when we put him in his car seat or a stroller. He's still very happy and is starting to laugh. His fourth nap of the day is turning into a very short 30 to 45 minute catnap, if he even takes it. This means that Ben is now awake most of the evening so we get to spend more time with him. I'm not sure Sam is thrilled about that idea because he used to have Mommy and Daddy to himself in the evenings. Hopefully we get some more pictures of the boys to post this weekend.
Emily Update: I've been back at work for two weeks now and everything is going well. I'm working on a new project and am really enjoying it so far. Work and family life are still balanced so far. I'm still working from home so I'm able to get some stuff done around the house on my lunch break.
Chris Update: Chris was promoted from Sr. Manager to Director this week. Congratulations, Chris! He's still grilling away on the Big Green Egg. We need to get him to do a post on pulled pork because I think he's mastered it. Yummy!
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