Ben turned 4 months old last week. He is 18.5 weeks old today. We went to the pediatrician for his well visit and vaccinations yesterday. Here are the stats ...
Weight: 13 lb 13 oz (25%)
Length: 25 in (48%)
Head Cir: 15.75 in (5%)
He got the same three vaccines as last time: Pentacel, Prevnar, and Rotavirus. He stayed home with me yesterday so he could get lots of sleep. In addition to the vaccinations, he has started teething, so he was a little fussy, had a little fever, and hardly had any appetite. He even had a little diarrhea from the Rotavirus vaccine. He's also got a little cough left over from his cold and exacerbated by all of the drooling from teething. Poor baby!
Ben is doing all the things on the 3 - 6 month checklist:
- follow moving toys or faces with their eyes
- startle at loud or new sounds
- wiggle and kick with legs and arms
- lift head and shoulders while on stomach
- smile back at parents or other family members
- make sounds, like gurgling, cooing or sucking sounds
He's even doing some of the things from the 6 - 9 month checklist
- explore toys with hands and mouth
- roll over front-to-back and back-to-front
"Standing while supported" wasn't on the list any where, but the doctor commented that he was ahead of schedule on that too.

Ben is having a lot of fun playing in the exer-saucer. He is very social and loves going to day care. We took him out in the Baby Bjorn baby carrier last weekend and he LOVED it. He usually gets cranky when we take him out and leave him in the car seat. Last weekend we were able to take him ice skating, to a hockey game, and to IKEA in the baby carrier. Some outings were as long as two hours and he did great. I keep thinking he should be dropping his evening (fourth) nap soon, but his naps are so short at day care that he seems to still need it. Most babies are down to two naps per day by six months, so his schedule should be in flux for a while. I think we'll even be trying rice cereal and other stage 1 foods soon.
The pediatrician referred us to a physical therapist for Ben. She's concerned that he has a tight muscle in his neck on his left side. It's called Torticollis. We are going next week. They are supposed to teach us how to do some stretches. I'm assuming they'll evaluate him and determine if it's a one time visit or if we'll need to have reoccurring visits. I had physical therapy for tight muscles in my neck about six years ago and I had to go two or three times a week for several weeks, so I'm not sure what to expect.
Ben has started to like books, especially pop-up books. Sam loves picking out books for us to read on the weekends.
Sam thinks that is cool and puts on a show.
Sam has his 6 month follow-up with the ENT tomorrow. It's hard to believe it's been six months since his surgery.
1 comment:
I just adore Ben - he is SOOOO cute!! Let me know how it goes at the PT. I really like the picture of the 3 of you looking at the book. :-)
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