Wow! Did we get some snow or what?!?!? It looks like we got around 9 inches, and it was the prettiest, fluffiest snow ever. Sam thought it was Christmas again because of the snow.

It was still coming down late on snow day #1 when Sam and I decided to suit-up and head out to play. We were immediately greeted by our neighbors who started throwing snow balls at Sam.
Chris had been working an outage at work and had pretty much been up for 48 hours straight, so he was in bed and didn't get to come out and play. Ben was sick with his first real cold/cough/fever, so he didn't get to go out either. If you look really close, you can see the baby monitor in our doorway. It was all Sam and snow, and he loved it!
More neighbors and little boys. They knocked over this snowman and started playing king of the mountain.
Another shot of the boys.
The snow didn't pack together well so it was hard to get this snowman built. It was even harder since the boys wanted to attack him.
Here's a video of snow day #1.
And here is where my point and shoot camera ran out of batteries. It's amazing how the cold can do that. Soon after that we went to the neighbor's house for hot chocolate and cookies. Sam did not want to go home. He ended up playing in the snow in our backyard even when it got dark out.
It kept snowing all night, and we headed out to play as soon as Ben went down for his first nap.
Daddy came out with us for a little while that morning and took a few pictures.
We got the ski gear down for the second snow day. I knew we were going to be outside for a while and I wanted us to stay warm and dry.
The snow was so deep, and it was real snow! ... not that icy stuff we usually get. That big mound in the background that looks like a bush is actually a tree, a wax myrtle. A responsible adult would have knocked the snow off as it was building up, but it was just so pretty. We have a few broken branches to trim now.
Sam had a little trouble walking in the snow at first. Of course every time he fell was an excuse to make another snow angel.
Sam went straight to the neighbor's house, rang their doorbell, and asked if the boys could come out to play.
The new snow covered up the snowman's face, so the boys tried to make him a new one.
And then they started attacking him again.

They REALLY wanted to knock him down.
Timothy loved eating the snow.
The boys started doing experiments with the snow. They were fascinated at throwing snow in the street, watching it soak up the water, turn from white to gray, and then melt. They did it over, and over, and over again.
The boys wanted another neighbor to come out and play. He scared them when he opened the little window on his door instead of the door itself.
After this we headed to our house for lunch and some indoor play. Once again, the boys were not happy when it was time to go.

Daddy was able to come back out later in the day and play in the snow with Sam.
Sam was soooo tired, but he did not want to stop playing in the snow. Later that evening, Sam got to go to movie and pizza night at Timothy and Adam's.
Here's some video from snow day #2.
It just so happened to be Valentine's Day too, so Sam and Ben got some treats from Lulu, Yiayia, and Nanner.
Here he is in his sweater, long underwear, and wool socks. This was what he had on under the snow suit.
We made Valentine's Day cookies ... you know the regular Nestle tollhouse chocolate chip cookies, but add red, pink, and white M&Ms. Yummy!

Poor Ben! All that snow and fun, and this is what he got to do. He did have fun watching all the boys play when they came over the second day.
He's starting to travel around his crib, so he's waking up and crying in the middle of the night when his arms or legs get stuck in the crib slats. He's usually in a sleep sack, so it's mostly his arms that get stuck.

Ben is feeling better now though he still has a little cough. I swear he just grows bigger each night. He's starting to play more so we got all of Sam's baby toys out of the attic and cleaned them this weekend. He's a lot of fun and smiles a lot.