I'm so proud of us for putting up a tree this year! Believe it or not, it took about four days. The first day (Saturday) we went to Ikea and bought another cabinet for toy storage. I couldn't stand the thought of getting all of the Christmas stuff out with all the mess that had accumulated. Chris and Sam put the cabinet together that night. We cleaned up and organized the next day (Sunday). Then Chris got all of the Christmas storage boxes out of the attic. We got the pre-lit tree in its stand and then we were done for the day. That was the day before I took Ben to the doctor and he had cried most of the day so we were pretty drained. We didn't do anything with the Christmas decorations the next Saturday (see Saturday post below). Sam could barely stand it. He'd been wanting to trim the tree every day since it went up.

We put Ben in the bouncer next to the tree so he could watch for a while. Sam was having a jealous day and climbed all over me any time I got near Ben.
Melanie came over for a while and watched Ben while we went to Costco. She left soon after we started trimming the tree because she had a party to attend that night.
Sam didn't remember how to hang the ornaments on the tree from last year so we had a little refresher.
Ben got a little fussy so Chris carried him around in the Bjorn for a while.
I always hang the breakable ornaments as high as I can. I debate if I should even put them on the tree sometimes, but what's the point of having them if you don't use them! It was also my job to sneak back behind Sam and redistribute the ornaments. He had a favorite spot in the front of the tree that had quite a high concentration of ornaments.
Here's the tree all decorated and lit up with the garland up the staircase.
I wasn't feeling so great that day, so I didn't mind Sam being super clingy and lovey. We even curled up together on the couch under a blanket and watched a little TV. I loved that.
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