We took Ben for his two month checkup on Dec 23rd. He got Pentacel and Prevnar shot vaccinations (not really sure what those are), and Rotavirus oral vaccination. The Rotavirus vaccine came out after Sam was born. We suffered through Sam getting Rotavirus, so we are definitely glad they came out with a vaccine for it. Here's the stats ...
Length: 22.75 in (36%)
Head Cir.: 15 in (11%)
Ben is smiling at us and starting to make some cooing noises. He's kicking up a storm and he's starting to bring his hands to his mouth and look at them a lot (he even goes cross-eyed looking at them sometimes). His legs are getting stronger and he can push to standing in our laps now.
He's slept from 11pm to 7am a few times, but most nights he's sleeping from 11pm to around 5am. He's also starting to break out of his swaddle. We've been waking Ben up to feed him at 11pm and his pediatrician recommends stopping that soon since it could be habit forming and the ultimate goal is getting him to sleep from around 8pm to 7am. We're still figuring out what will work best for us at this point. Since we may have to drop the swaddling and the late night feed soon we may have some back tracking in the sleep department before it gets better. Fun, fun!
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