We had Sam's birthday party last weekend. He was so excited that he could hardly wait for everyone to come over. He was especially excited when we started bringing out the presents. We had some Thomas the Train stickers as party favors and Sam put the extras all over his presents.

Chris took this picture of Sam playing outside before everyone came over.

Cleo has been very happy since we started spending more time outside.

Sam greeted everyone at the door with "Hey! I got presents for you!" We played inside for a little while, but soon ended up outside.

The ESPN Better Batter was a huge hit.

Sam let us know he was ready for cake and presents.

Sam selected the Thomas the Train theme (surprise!) so we got a Thomas cake. We got it from Hands On Design in Allen. I thought the cake was wonderful. Sam wanted to eat Thomas' eyes (strange).

Sam had a little cold so he blew out his candles on a cupcake.


Front row seats

Of course as soon as all the presents were open we all had to test them out. Our living room was a wreck for several days, but we didn't mind because Sam was having so much fun playing with everything.

Sam and Hagen ran all over the house either pretending that the monster was going to get them or that they were in the river and a crocodile was going to get them. Then they sat down for a snack, but were still hamming it up.

1 comment:
Those are great pictures! The party was a lot of fun and I'm glad Sam had such a good time! He and Hagen definitely have good imaginations! :-)
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