We brought a souvenir home from Snowmass. Baby #2 is officially due October 24th. I'm 16 weeks pregnant now. The sonogram picture above was at 12 weeks. We'll have another sonogram in 3 weeks and should find out if it's a boy or a girl then.
I'm starting to show a little. I'm in that fun stage where my normal clothes are too small, but maternity clothes are too big. With Sam I was pregnant in the Winter and Spring, so most of my maternity clothes were long sleeve and pants. I'm really excited about buying maternity shorts (ha!).
This is some video from the 12 week sonogram.

This is a picture from a sonogram at 7 weeks.
I'm past the first trimester so I'm feeling a lot better. I couldn't even think about food for three months and Chris had to sneak cologne in the bathroom with the vent on. It's been a little harder the second time around. When I was pregnant with Sam, I could take a nap any time and didn't have someone who wanted to play 24x7. The good news is that I don't have time to obsess with every detail. Even though the first trimester is over I am still extremely tired, so it turns out that I am anemic already. I was also anemic with Sam, but it seems like that came much later.
We've told Sam that he's going to be a big brother. He seems excited, but I don't think he quite gets it yet. One night at dinner he pulled up his shirt and patted his stomach and said "this is my baby belly." Then Chris, trying to poke fun at Sam, lifts up his shirt, pokes his stomach out, and says "this is my baby belly" in a funny voice. Sam got wide-eyed and said, "Oh, DeeDah has a BIG baby belly!"
Congratulations!! I'm really happy for you both.
Congratulations!!! I'm so excited for you!! Hagen predicted the sex of a friend's baby recently, so I'll ask him and let you know what you'll be having. Haha.
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