Night before last we heard a bump upstairs about an hour after we had put Sam to bed. Chris went upstairs to check on him, opened the door, and died out laughing. When I got up there, Sam's room was ransacked. His floor lamp was laying on it's side on the floor, he had tons of books and diapers all over his bed, and Sam was standing there with only his pajama bottoms on (inside out and backwards). Anything that was in Sam's room earlier that evening was now in his bed. He kept saying, "I changed my diaper. I changed my diaper." (He still wears pull-ups at night.) First we found the missing pajama top and put his bottoms on right. Then I realized he had extra pairs of pajamas laying on the floor and he was wearing socks. We had not put him to bed wearing socks. He was actually only wearing one sock. The other one was in his hand. When I got it from him, I realized it was wet. Then we saw wet wads of bathroom tissue on his floor. Strange. We started pulling all the books, etc. out of his bed and realized that he had an entire box of diapers spread all over his bed. Strange. We start putting the diapers back in the box and realize that some of them are wet. Apparently while reading books in bed, Sam had decided he needed a cup of water, spilled said cup of water in the bed, attempted first to soak it up with bathroom tissue, and proceded to mop it up with an entire box of diapers. Wonderful. Chris and I were laughing so hard we were crying. We had to strip the bed, get everything cleaned up, and get Sam back in bed.
Unfortunately the story does not end there. We heard a bump upstairs again last night about an hour after we had put Sam in bed. This time the room was not exactly ransacked, but every single light was on. Lights that Sam cannot reach. And nothing looks out of place, except the stack of books in his bed, so we are not sure how he got the lights on. We scold him and put all of the books away, tuck him back into bed, and say goodnight. We then went into the media room to watch a show or two. When we were leaving to go downstairs to go to bed, we see that Sam's lights are on again (at 11pm). Wonderful. This time all the lights are on again, but there is more of a sign that he is climbing on things to reach them. He looked like a zombie he was so tired. He had tons of books in his bed again and other random stuff from around his room. For example, we have these plastic "frames" on his wall which we use to display photos and his art work from school. He had removed all of the photos and paper from these frames and had them in the bed too. I told him he was in trouble and that he wouldn't be able to play on his playset the next day since he wasn't minding (I knew it was going to be raining today, and that he wouldn't be able to play outside any way, but Sam didn't know that.) We checked on him several more times before we went to bed to make sure the lights were staying off.
When we got up this morning, same drill - all the lights were on and tons of books in the bed. Again we get, "I changed my diaper. I changed my diaper." Really? Then where is the old, wet diaper? We looked everywhere: garbage can, bed, diaper box, drawers. Again, wonderful. Maybe he didn't change his diaper. If not, he's still got on the wet one and we need to put him in underwear any way. I take off his diaper and realize what has happened. He put the new clean diaper on top of the old wet diaper. Yes, he was wearing two diapers. Wonderful. We do the whole talk again about how he's supposed to stay in bed and leave the lights out, blah, blah.
Fast forward to tonight. I put him in bed and give him the speach, and make him repeat it after me. "Sam is going to stay in bed with the lights out. It is not time for books. It is time for sleep. Sam's birthday party is tomorrow and he needs sleep so he can have energy to play. Mommy and Daddy will be back to check on you in a few minutes to make sure the lights are out." I'm downstairs for maybe ten minutes before we hear a bump upstairs. Chris goes up to check and Sam already has all the lights on. So, he got the speach from Chris. Again. I've been back to check on him again twice so far - no lights yet. Crossing my fingers that it stays that way.