For the first time in over ninety years we had a white Christmas in Dallas, TX. It was coming down hard on Christmas Eve and stuck to everything. We went to the Johnson's house for Christmas Eve and the drive home reminded me of driving through Colorado the way the snow was blowing across the road.
Sam wanted to go outside and play in the snow when it first started snowing, but quickly changed his mind when he figured out how cold it was. We were all excited that it was snowing (but it caused poor Mimi to miss her flight that night). Lulu asked Sam if he was excited that it was snowing on Christmas, but Sam informed us that "it always snows on Christmas." I'm sure he doesn't have much of a memory of his previous Christmases, and of course all of the Christmas specials show snow on the ground. Hope he's not disappointed if we don't get snow on Christmas in Dallas for the next ninety years! It was really cool that it snowed for Ben's first Christmas.
We still had a little snow on the ground in the backyard when it snowed again five days later. It came down hard again and we got some good coverage, but it was all gone when we woke up the next morning.