Sam has been speaking in complete sentences for a while. You still can't understand him sometimes, but he's started coming up with stuff that makes us laugh.
Mimi no get my nose! - Mimi started the "I got your nose" game with Sam. The first couple of times it completely freaked him out. He would even run away from her because he was scared she was going to get his nose. The one day he decided it was funny, and now he gets our noses and his own nose too, and his ear, etc.
Please, Thank You, You're Welcome and Bless You - Yes, he actually has manners. We still have to remind him sometimes, but it's so cute when he does it on his own.
Run, DeeDah, Run! - Sam loves to run. All the time. In circles. Around the house. It's not enough to run on his own though. He either wants someone to chase or someone to chase him.
I scare you! - Sam loves to scare us with his best monster rraaarrghhh. He loves to scare Cleo too. But he really loves combining running and scaring!
Who he is? Who is he? Who is him? - He's started asking us what things are called. It started with his trains. They have their names printed on the bottom, so he would come up and put the train in our face, and ask who is he? Then he started asking about other objects, like pieces of his shape puzzle or alphabet letters.
I minding. - I think this one is my favorite yet. It's usually at least a small fight to do anything: get dressed, eat dinner, take a bath, etc. We're constantly reminding him that he should mind us when we ask him to do something. One morning I got Sam up and he took off running. I called after him to come back and get dressed. And he actually did it. And announced, "I minding, Mommy."
Five more minutes. - So usually when we ask him to do something, he gives us that simple two-year-old answer: No! But, this morning when I told him that he needed to stop playing trains so we could go to school he asked, "Five more minutes, Mommy!" which stopped me in my tracks. Seriously? Where did this little boy come from, and where did my baby go?

I think I asked Hagen the very same thing the other day - "where is my baby??". He smiled and said, "right here!". I love those phrases Sam is using! I think it's hilarious that Sam told you "five more minutes!". That's cute.
Okay, where DID you hide that little boy I saw only a few months ago. SO CUTE!!! It's so fun watching him grow up. Thanks for sharing your adventures. Love you all bunches!
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