I'm just now getting around to posting the pictures from the Halloween carnival at Sam's day care. It was a lot more fun this year. We didn't fight with Sam to wear a costume, so he was already starting off in a better mood.
He was a little scared when we first got there, but that didn't last very long. He started playing all the games as soon as he found out he was going to get candy.
We went to the carnival with the Johnsons. Jackson was a motorcycle dude. Check out the cool custom T-shirt that Brad made.
Sofia went as Pebbles. Jennifer made the costume and it was just adorable!
We took lots of pictures of Sam playing the games.

Pin the nose on the pumpkin.
Does it count if you don't actually try to toss the beanbags?
Cake walk.
Andrea went with us to the carnival. Here is Sam is telling her about the ducky. This was Sam's favorite game. He probably went back to play it three times. It was like the ducky game that he played at the fair. That's his teacher Mrs. April in the background. He kept talking about her funny hat.
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