We moved Sam into his big boy bedroom about a month ago. He's been doing great! He had a tough time the first night, but he's done fine ever since. He actually staid in bed the first week or so until we would come get him, just like with his crib. Now he gets up and knocks on the door when he's ready for us to come get him. "Mommy! Dee-Dah! Come get me!"
We got all of the furniture and most of the decorations from Ikea. The theme is bugs. It's not very obvious because we don't have the art on the walls yet. We have a cute set of bug sheets, too, but all these pictures are with the striped ones.

This is what the room looked like when we started. Like most Ikea furniture, we had to build everything.

This is the bed, dresser, bookcase, and bench. That's the mattress rolled up in the corner.

Sam had a blast helping Chris build the furniture. Sam handed Chris all the pieces and even helped with some of the tools.

He loved his bed right away, especially this little cubby hole. The bed can flip over to be a loft bed when he gets older.

Sam loved climbing in and out of the furniture as it was being built. We took our time putting everything together. It took us about three weeks to build everything

Of course Sam had to jump on the bed as soon as it was put together!

Helping with the instructions.

Helping build the furniture.

Chris hanging the leaf canopies.

Messy room before we organized everything.

Finished room.

Sam's artwork for decoration and a light in the shape of a bug on the left.

Leaf canopy and a tent on the bed.



Sam loves the independence of his room. He loves to turn his own lights on and off. He can even get a glass of water from the sink in his bathroom by himself. He's also starting to try to get dressed by himself in the morning before we come to get him. We are so proud of him and of how well he is doing.