Pops came to visit the weekend before his (and Ben's) birthday. He and Chris went to see Rangers vs. Yankees in Game 2 of the American League Championship Playoffs. The Rangers won 7-2.
They promised me they would take pictures of each other, and they did!
It was a beautiful day and a great game.
The stadium was full.
Here's Pops the night before when the Rangers lost 6-5 after leading the game 5-0 until the eighth inning. That's ok though cause they're headed for the World Series!

We got to meet Andrea's boyfriend Eric, and he was awesome, of course.
We were supposed to have cupcakes for Pop's and Ben, but Ben slept through it. I woke him up to see everyone for a little while. He and Sam played a little iPad ...
and watched a little baseball.
Ben also got his play kitchen that night.

Happy Birthday, Pops!