After going to the movies to see How to Train Your Dragon, we wrapped up Sam's 4th birthday celebrations with a quiet evening at home.

More presents from family so Sam was very excited.

His big present from us this year was a bike.

He really wanted a Spiderman bike, but we wanted to get him a 16" aluminum frame that would last through two boys. We went with the Specialized Hotrock. Luckily it's in Spiderman colors and has spider decals on it, so we were both happy.

Finishing up the Spiderman cupcakes with white chocolate spider web.

Did I mention Sam loves the Happy Birthday song? He was very proud of his #4 candle too.

Daddy with the birthday boy.

Mimi and her big four-year-old!

It's late by now and Ben has been in bed for a while, but what birthday boy can go to bed without playing with his new toys?

Posing with Mommy in his new Spiderman Underoos.
We also went for his 4 year well visit a few days later. Here are the stats ...
Weight: 35.8 lbs (48%)
Height: 39.75 in (35%)
5 shots: Prevnar Booster, DTaP, IPV, MMR, Varicella
He tried to be brave, but five is a lot of shots!
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