We had a great Father's Day yesterday. Ben seemed to sense it was Father's Day and clung to Chris all day.
Costas and Paola came down to make it a complete Conner clan.
We spent most of the day around the table visiting and telling stories, but everyone also had to give the iPad a try.
Sam was very excited to see Uncle Costas and Aunt Paola again. He loved playing I Spy with Uncle Costas.
Later that night around the dinner table again.
Sam and Ben were eating a snack and Chris snapped some great shots ...

A big smile for the camera.
Ben convinced Papou to share a little of his ice cream. Ben has been trying some new foods on vacation. His favorites are cookies and blueberry cake, but he's also tried meatballs and fried fish.
Ben's fever spiked Saturday evening, so we took him to an urgent care facility. The doctor said his throat was red and swollen and one of his ears looked like it might be getting an infection. She prescribed antibiotics which we were thankfully able to fill before the pharmacy closed. He's doing great, but he's really been sleeping a lot and wanting to be held a lot. We only have two more days on the antibiotics, so hopefully he'll be back to his normal self soon.
Ben also turned 8 months old this weekend. He's getting to be a lot more vocal. You can tell he's trying to say words like Momma, Daddy, bottle, bye-bye, uh-oh, and all done. He's doing great with finger foods, but he still just has his two bottom front teeth. He's been teething a lot lately so we are really hoping that he cuts some more teeth soon. He's still sleeping well. He's still doing the combat crawl. It seems like he figured out how to move and that's good enough ... no need to improve. He's starting to want to practice walking though he hasn't figured out how to pull up on his own yet. His favorite toy at day care is the walker, but I haven't gotten ours out of the attic yet. When they weighed him at the doctor's office he was 18 lbs. We'll have to wait for his 9 month well visit to get an official weight though. Ben is starting to play with his toys more and that is making Sam a little jealous. Of course Sam is still Ben's favorite person in the world.