I work from home. For the last two days I have been treated to flocks of cedar waxwings eating all of the berries off of the bushes right outside my office window.
They are gorgeous birds. They have a black mask around their eyes, a bright yellow-tipped tail, a pale yellow belly, and bright red-orange wing tips. They were also nice to listen to ... more of a song bird than the normal squawking birds we have around here.

Every time I grabbed the camera most of them would fly away, but I was able to snap a few quick shots of the braver (or hungrier) ones.
This was the only picture that showed the bright red-orange tips on their wings. They've almost eaten all of the berries, so they won't be sticking around much longer.
I took Ben to the physical therapist yesterday. They evaluated him and said that he did have a tight muscle in his neck. They said this visit was more for awareness since it isn't bad - he doesn't have any flat spots on his head or vision impairment from it. Basically this is the point where this type of issue starts to resolve itself because he's sitting and standing more and not spending as much time laying down. We are supposed to alternate his position and make sure he's looking both directions as much as possible over the next month. If it hasn't improved over the next four weeks we'll need to go back, but they didn't seem to think that would be necessary.
1 comment:
The Cedar Waxwings come every Jan-Feb for the native Toyon bushes loaded with clusters of red berries. They arrive in flocks of 20-30 birds, pluck 3-5 berries each, then fly to the nearby trees and wait until they can stuff some more in. This goes on for about a week, then they move on. We call them "The Bandits". It's a highlight of our winter!
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