What a lovely way to welcome Spring! Sam informed us that it was still snowing when he woke us up this morning. He'd gotten to see a little of it last night when he and Chris came home from the hockey game. I was thinking, "yeah, yeah, there's probably a light dusting," but boy was I surprised!
The doorbell rang at 9:30am and the neighbor boys were ready to play. We suited Sam up and sent him out. Sam was inside the neighbors' house by the time we made it outside (15 minutes later), so we only got a picture with Ben. He got to wear his snow suit after all!

It's been brown outside since Ben was born. I was thinking he'd get to see green soon, but I was not expecting white again.

They said we were supposed to get 4". Not sure how much we got, but the drifts made it pretty deep in some spots.
It was super windy so the kids weren't much interested in playing outside. They are too young to appreciate how rare this is in the South. It has snowed at least four times this year, so they think this happens all of the time.
Sweet baby boy - inside and warm.