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Sunday, March 21, 2010

First Day of Spring

What a lovely way to welcome Spring! Sam informed us that it was still snowing when he woke us up this morning. He'd gotten to see a little of it last night when he and Chris came home from the hockey game. I was thinking, "yeah, yeah, there's probably a light dusting," but boy was I surprised!

The doorbell rang at 9:30am and the neighbor boys were ready to play. We suited Sam up and sent him out. Sam was inside the neighbors' house by the time we made it outside (15 minutes later), so we only got a picture with Ben. He got to wear his snow suit after all!

It's been brown outside since Ben was born. I was thinking he'd get to see green soon, but I was not expecting white again.

I didn't think I'd be posting any more Snow Day photos this year!

They said we were supposed to get 4". Not sure how much we got, but the drifts made it pretty deep in some spots.

It was super windy so the kids weren't much interested in playing outside. They are too young to appreciate how rare this is in the South. It has snowed at least four times this year, so they think this happens all of the time.

Sweet baby boy - inside and warm.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

What a great excuse to dress everyone in green and pose for a picture!

Happy St. Patrick's Day from the Conner boys!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

3 Year Old Logic

Sam fell off of the stool in the kitchen again tonight. He kinda caught himself and most of his weight fell on his bum. He didn't hit his head, but he kept rubbing it to make sure.

Me: Sam, do I need to get rid of the stool?
Sam: No, you have to get rid of the floor, because I keep bonking my head.

We had green beans for dinner tonight. Normally I just do the frozen steam-in-the-bag kind with a little salt. They taste really fresh and adults generally love them. Sam does not. Tonight I made them with bacon and French salad dressing.

Sam: What's that on the green beans?
Me: Bacon.
Sam: Mmmm. I love bacon.
Sam: Mmmm. I like these green beans.
Me: So you'll eat green beans if you get a piece of bacon with every bite?
Sam: Yes, last time you just put greens bean in them.

Thursday, March 04, 2010

Picture Day

Today was picture day at the boys' school. They were doing sibling pictures when I dropped them off so they asked me to stay and help. They were doing some pretty cheesy poses, and neither Ben nor Sam were very happy about it. The photographer said that he could Photoshop the photos and take the head from one photo and put it on another, so I can't wait to see how those turned out, ha! (BTW, I love that Photoshop is a verb).

Sam has been wanting to hold Ben a lot lately, so I told him he could hold him if he took a few pictures for me. He was concerned about getting his booty wet.

Did I mention that Ben loves the baby carrier? He squeals and kicks his legs and watches everything that we do.

Hey Daddy, what's that bright flashing light?

Well tonight has been weirdly quiet. Sam said he was sick when we sat down for dinner, so he got his pj's on and went to bed at 7pm. We had Ben bathed and in bed by 8pm. Chris is working on a presentation for work, so I think I'll go watch some TV.

Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Cedar Waxwings

I work from home. For the last two days I have been treated to flocks of cedar waxwings eating all of the berries off of the bushes right outside my office window.

They are gorgeous birds. They have a black mask around their eyes, a bright yellow-tipped tail, a pale yellow belly, and bright red-orange wing tips. They were also nice to listen to ... more of a song bird than the normal squawking birds we have around here.

Every time I grabbed the camera most of them would fly away, but I was able to snap a few quick shots of the braver (or hungrier) ones.

This was the only picture that showed the bright red-orange tips on their wings. They've almost eaten all of the berries, so they won't be sticking around much longer.

I took Ben to the physical therapist yesterday. They evaluated him and said that he did have a tight muscle in his neck. They said this visit was more for awareness since it isn't bad - he doesn't have any flat spots on his head or vision impairment from it. Basically this is the point where this type of issue starts to resolve itself because he's sitting and standing more and not spending as much time laying down. We are supposed to alternate his position and make sure he's looking both directions as much as possible over the next month. If it hasn't improved over the next four weeks we'll need to go back, but they didn't seem to think that would be necessary.