We said bye-bye to diapers a week ago! Yay!!! A four week break or so before we get to start all over again!
Sam has been potty trained for about a year now, but he's still been sleeping in pull-ups at night. We noticed about a month or two ago that he was mostly waking up with dry diapers, so three weeks ago we told him if he could make it two weeks without wetting the diaper at night he could start sleeping in underwear. He was really excited and asked every day if it was time to sleep in underwear yet.
Sam is very proud of himself, and of course we are proud of him too. He reminds us every morning that he doesn't have to pick out underwear because he's already wearing them.
We're lucky to have a bathroom connected to his bedroom. He's been getting up in the morning and using his stool to turn on the light and go the the bathroom by himself. That actually prompted the other new bathroom news ... Sam is also learning to wipe himself. That's kind of a scary proposition, but he's been doing fairly well.
We've gotten four straight days of rain. Not the thunderstorm/tornado type storms we usually get in the summer, but a nice constant rain, like the kind I remember playing in when I was growing up. We got these rainboots and umbrella for Sam for his birthday, but this is the first chance he had to play in the rain. He didn't quite get the concept and tried to get on the swing with his umbrella. Next time we'll have to find some nice big puddles he can splash in.
Here's a shot of Sam licking the beaters after helping me make an apricot nectar cake for Melanie's birthday.
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