We started putting Sam in pullups about three or four weeks ago. He had been doing a really job about going to the bathroom on his little potty chair, but he was having problems getting the old diapers off.

Then last week Sam's teacher at day care surprised me. She said that he had been doing really well going potty by himself consistently at school, so we could start sending him to school in underwear. Seriously!!! We went out this weekend and bought him a bunch of underwear. We mostly got the generic white or solid color and stripe ones, but Sam picked out Thomas, Diego, and Elmo underwear too. We also got a bunch of thin jersey pants that would be easy for him to pull up and down ... not to mention the fact that he'll probably need plenty of changes of clothes throughout the day. He's been wearing underwear to school the last two days and he's only had one accident each day.
At home he has a little potty chair that he sits on. He doesn't really like standing on the stool in front of the potty. When he finishes peeing on the little potty chair, he jumps up and says "My pour out. I be careful." He has to pour it out and flush the toilet all by himself.
At school they have a little potty that is very low to the ground, so he pees standing up (tmi?). When I picked him up from day care on Monday, the teacher asked him if he needed to go potty before we left. He said yes, and when in the bathroom all by himself, did his business, flushed the toilet, and came out like it was no big deal.
He's still taking naps and sleeping at night in pullups. I'm pretty sure that he'll be doing that for a while. Most of the time he doesn't tell us that he has to go to the bathroom. We just take him in there once an hour and he always has to go.
Now, to clarify, and sorry if this is gross ... we are only talking potty trained when it comes to pee. He is still pooping in his underwear, so we will be throwing plenty of pairs of underwear away.
YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is awesome!!!!! I'm so proud of Sam. And hey, it's never TMI anymore once you have kids. I never in a million years thought I'd discuss poop with other adults, and now it's exciting. Haha. :-)
As you know, for an intact boy, the foreskin is adhered to the glans the first 3-4 years of life. This is a natural way to protect the glans from irritants & to avoid loss of very valuable sensitivity he'll need his entire (sex) life (yes, you must think down the dirt road he'll take).
Make sure he retracts his own foreskin, since it's his penis & he knows how far (if at all) before it starts to hurt. More info on raising an intact boy in America:
It's also not uncommon for a boy to not be totally retractable until the start of puberty (11yo), so whatever you do, don't rush it.
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