We had Sam's birthday party three weeks ago. His actual birthday was the weekend that we moved into the new house. It seems like it's been his birthday every day for a month now. He's started singing Happy Birthday to himself, though he actually says "Happy Day."

The birthday party theme was Thomas the Train, of course.

Sam is a pro at opening presents now. He saw the stack and started opening before we were to ready.

All the kids were having so much fun playing in the playroom, so we took the presents upstairs to open them.

We got a bounce house with a slide for Sam for his birthday party. Sam and Hagen had a blast jumping around together after the party. It's a smaller one that's really only supposed to have three kids in it at a time. We just figured that we'd get enough uses out of it that we should buy one instead of renting one. Sam loves it. We've gotten it out several times already. It honestly takes 5 minutes to put it up and take it down. I was impressed. I thought it would be a lot harder to get it in the storage bag.
Here's a video of Sam and Mimi trying out the bounce house for the first time the night before his party.

We were extremely happy to have a refrigerator for the party. It's sorta been an ongoing saga. We ordered a stainless counter depth refrigerator from Lowes the first week of May. Kitchenaide was in the process of changing out their model line for the 2009 Energy Star requirements. We knew that we wouldn't have the refrigerator when we moved in, but we were supposed to have it within a week. Week after week went by and we still didn't have a fridge. The salesman at Lowes was extremely helpful and arranged for us to have a small loaner fridge when the one we ordered wasn't there in time for Sam's birthday. I'm completely in favor of shopping online, but you wouldn't get that kind of service from an online retailer. We have the fridge we ordered now, and we're extremely happy that we don't have to run to the grocery store every other day.

Pops came for Sam's birthday party and it just so happened to be Father's Day too. Sam helped Mimi wrap Pop's present. You can see the evidence in the many pieces of tape all over. Of course Sam had to help open it too.

Sam got Chris an Amazon Kindle for Father's Day. Chris has wanted one of these since they first came out last summer. He's been sitting in his chair reading it since he got it.

Sam spent the rest of the weekend playing trains. Cass and Cindy brought us a lot of trains and track that their son had outgrown. We had a great time building some elaborate tracks for Sam to play on. He was trilled to have so many trains to push around them.

The US Open (golf) was on TV that weekend. Sam was enthralled with the trains so we were actually able to sit back and watch it. Of course we all took turns playing trains during the commercials.
Here's a video of Mimi finding a creative way to blow bubbles for Sam.

So many bubbles!
Pops, Mimi, and Sam throwing the Nerf football.

Sam and Pops posing for a shot the morning Pops left.

Sam loves playing in the water. We probably end up in the backyard with the house running every other day. He's scared of this sprinkler. It's one of those wacky sprinklers that sprays all over the place in a random pattern. I turn it on really low so there is just a little spray coming out of the top, and then Sam plays with the wacky tubes.
I took these pictures before we went out for a walk to the park. On the way back Sam was running and tripped and fell. Twice. On the second time, he skinned his knees pretty badly. They were actually bleeding. He was really crying hard. I sat him on my lap and explained that his knees would get skinned like that when he falls when he's running. I told him it would probably happen a bunch more times because little boys like to run. He jumped off and took off running saying, "I like to run!"

I had my 33rd birthday two weeks ago. It was a really simple day. I did a little shopping, we had a nice family dinner, and creme brulee for dessert.

Sam was really interested to see someone else have a birthday. At first he didn't believe that it was my birthday. We would say, "it's Mommy's birthday," and he would say, "no, Sam's birthday."

Sam wanted to blow out the candle too. He's gotten lots of experience blowing out candles with all the birthday parties.

He was really excited that we lit the candle again and let him do it.

This last week has been hard on Cleo. She got a hematoma on her ear last weekend and had to have surgery to drain it on Monday. You can see the shaved patch on her leg from the IV. She came home with her head wrapped up and an Elizabethan collar around her neck. We took the collar off right away, and then she managed to get the wrapping pretty loose so we went on and took it off. Bad move. Her ear filled back up with blood and she had to go back for another surgery on Tuesday. They wrapped her up a little bit better this time so we managed to keep it wrapped for about 24 hours before she got it off. It was dripping blood, so Chris and I tried to rewrap it, but we couldn't get it to stay on. Since it was after 5pm, Chris took her to the emergency vet. Her ear had stopped bleeding, so they gave her a shot to try to sedate her and told us to keep the collar on her. That lasted another 6 hours or so. She couldn't fall asleep with it on and kept pacing around the house in the dark running into things. Her ear is looking ok now. It's shaved and stitches all over it like mattress stitching. That ear isn't pointed any more. It's sorta flopped over. We aren't sure if it's going to stay like that. She goes back to the vet on Monday to have the stitches removed. We're not really sure how she got the hematoma in the first place. The vet said she could have gotten it simply from shaking her head.
I tried to warn Sam about Cleo's boo-boo on the first day. I told him he needed to be nice to Cleo because she had a bad boo-boo. He said, "No. Sam boo-boo." I said, "Where is Sam's boo-boo." He said, "here," and pointed to his knees that he skinned a week earlier. I said, "No, Cleo's boo-boo is worse." He said, "No, Sam boo-boo worse." He was really jealous of her all week. It was really strange. I was trying to get Cleo to lay down one night, so I was sitting next to her on the floor and petting her. Sam was saying, "Mommy, Mommy," and started climbing on my back.
Just a general update on Sam ... He's talking like crazy now - a lot of complete sentences. I'm surprised how many new words he's learned. He's a real parrot - repeats everything we say. He's still bossy too. He can tell us exactly what to do now, though many times he reverts to whining and pointing, which is very frustrating. He's trying new foods and eating more. He even had tilapia, salmon, and smoked salmon last week. He's actually eating the same dinner as us more often than not which is wonderful. We've found a new trick to get him to eat too. When he gets down from the table too early, we get him to get a bit "to go" every time he runs through the kitchen. Another trick that seems to work is if we ask him if we can have a bite of his food. He says "no" and comes running back for another bite. He wants to do everything himself. He can undress himself pretty well, so we're practicing that and getting dressed too.

This last week has been hard on Cleo. She got a hematoma on her ear last weekend and had to have surgery to drain it on Monday. You can see the shaved patch on her leg from the IV. She came home with her head wrapped up and an Elizabethan collar around her neck. We took the collar off right away, and then she managed to get the wrapping pretty loose so we went on and took it off. Bad move. Her ear filled back up with blood and she had to go back for another surgery on Tuesday. They wrapped her up a little bit better this time so we managed to keep it wrapped for about 24 hours before she got it off. It was dripping blood, so Chris and I tried to rewrap it, but we couldn't get it to stay on. Since it was after 5pm, Chris took her to the emergency vet. Her ear had stopped bleeding, so they gave her a shot to try to sedate her and told us to keep the collar on her. That lasted another 6 hours or so. She couldn't fall asleep with it on and kept pacing around the house in the dark running into things. Her ear is looking ok now. It's shaved and stitches all over it like mattress stitching. That ear isn't pointed any more. It's sorta flopped over. We aren't sure if it's going to stay like that. She goes back to the vet on Monday to have the stitches removed. We're not really sure how she got the hematoma in the first place. The vet said she could have gotten it simply from shaking her head.
I tried to warn Sam about Cleo's boo-boo on the first day. I told him he needed to be nice to Cleo because she had a bad boo-boo. He said, "No. Sam boo-boo." I said, "Where is Sam's boo-boo." He said, "here," and pointed to his knees that he skinned a week earlier. I said, "No, Cleo's boo-boo is worse." He said, "No, Sam boo-boo worse." He was really jealous of her all week. It was really strange. I was trying to get Cleo to lay down one night, so I was sitting next to her on the floor and petting her. Sam was saying, "Mommy, Mommy," and started climbing on my back.
Just a general update on Sam ... He's talking like crazy now - a lot of complete sentences. I'm surprised how many new words he's learned. He's a real parrot - repeats everything we say. He's still bossy too. He can tell us exactly what to do now, though many times he reverts to whining and pointing, which is very frustrating. He's trying new foods and eating more. He even had tilapia, salmon, and smoked salmon last week. He's actually eating the same dinner as us more often than not which is wonderful. We've found a new trick to get him to eat too. When he gets down from the table too early, we get him to get a bit "to go" every time he runs through the kitchen. Another trick that seems to work is if we ask him if we can have a bite of his food. He says "no" and comes running back for another bite. He wants to do everything himself. He can undress himself pretty well, so we're practicing that and getting dressed too.
Love the pics and the house looks great! Congrats. I bought the same bouncey for my son's 4th birthday. It was awesome and it makes for a very fun play date.
I'm sorry about Cleo - I hope she's doing better. Happy belated birthday!! I didn't realize it was your b-day last month. I just LOVE those pictures of Sam and Hagen in the bounce house - they had such a good time! :-)
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