What a difference a year makes! The picture on the left is of Sam last year on Valentine's Day. He's wearing the same shirt, but it actually fits him this year. It just seems like he's grown so much in the last month.

Sam drug this little xylophone around all last weekend. He found all sorts of places that were perfect for jamming out. He would bang on it with the sticks and simultaneously do his sort of head-nodding dance. He loves his toys that make or play music. He loves to clap and dance.

We moved Sam's little table and chairs into the living room tonight. I set it up so he could color, but when I went to the kitchen, he got his monkey and put the color in the monkey's hand, and started "showing" the monkey how to color. I swear it was one of the cutest things I've ever seen.

Melanie was in a car wreck this week. She wasn't hurt, but her car was totaled. It really doesn't look that bad, but it would cost more to fix it that it is worth. Someone cut-off the guy in front of her, and when he slammed on the brakes she ran into the back of his truck. His bumper only had two dots of paint on it.

Chris took this picture of Melanie and me reviewing her finances and discussing her options. She only gets to keep the rental car through Monday, so she'll be getting a new car soon.

Yes, I cut most of my hair off. I wasn't planning on going quite so short, but I love it.
1 comment:
I LOVE the picture from this year in his Valentine shirt - he looks SO cute and grown-up!! That pose is just so cute. And I love that he put his monkey in the chair and was showing him how to color. That is so adorable!! I really like your haircut - it's cute! I'm sorry about Melanie - I'm glad she's okay.
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