One week before Sam turns one and a half and we finally got his hair cut. I loved his curls, and I thought I might cry when she cut them off. But, it was just time. He was getting food in his hair, and Chris was having trouble washing it and rinsing the soap out. It was just so funny watching this little boy run around the house the rest of the day.

We went to Zoo Cuts. Sam started out ok in the little race car, but it went downhill when the lady put the cape on him. Sometimes he cried like it was actually hurting. I tried to give him cookies and sing, but neither worked. Even though he cried, he staid fairly still. The whole thing only took about seven minutes, and she did a pretty good job, so all-in-all I was pretty happy. Click here if you want to see the whole thing: part1, part2.

Chris got his hair cut at Zoo Cuts too. It was probably the first time he had his hair cut at a salon in eight years. I've been cutting it for him since we bought a pair of clippers.

Sam had fun playing and waiting for Daddy to finish.

Fletcher was in town last weekend. We had a great dinner and fun just hanging out. Then the next day we all went to The Big Easy for brunch, and Melanie and Fletcher went to Nasher Sculpture Center and an Of Montreal concert.

Sam loves to bang on the keyboard when he is playing his computer game. He usually plays at least once a day.

Sam is learning how to undress himself. We turned it into a game when he's getting ready for his bath. But this day when we got home from day care, Sam started taking off his shirt after I took off his jacket.

Who you lookin' at?
Sam has really started chatting lately. He sounds like he's speaking sentences. I just have no idea what he's saying. Sometimes you can get the general idea what he's talking about base on what he's doing, but sometimes I'm clueless. He's picking up a few more words like feet, toes, and night-night. He gives kisses (which I love of course). He's also picking up more sign language, like hat, book, and elephant. It sounds like he's saying "I did it" in this video. He also loves for us to sing "Head, Shoulder, Knees, and Toes" though he only does the motions for Head and Toes.
Here's a video of Cleo barking and Sam's reaction. Now if you know Cleo, you know that she really doesn't bark (except maybe at hot air balloons). She usually has more of a whine or a howl when she makes any noise. Here she is full-fledged barking because she wanted Sam's banana.
1 comment:
Oh, no, now he's not a baby any more... he looks like a cute little boy! I still just want to pinch his cheek though. Don't let him grow any more until I can see him, okay? Love you guys! Aunt Sharon
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