We took Sam for his 15 month checkup this week. Here are the stats:
- Weight: 23.6 lbs, 32%
- Height: 31.25 in, 46%
- Head Cir: 18.5 in, 40%
As part of the 15 month checkup, they asked us how many words Sam can say. Now other people probably couldn't understand what he's saying, but these are his words:
- Daddy
- Cleo
- dog
- shoe
- no
- hello
- uh-oh
- e-i-e-i-o

If you look close, you can see that Sam has "spaghetti face" here. I made spaghetti and meatballs last weekend. Sam did a pretty good job eating that. He actually had it for dinner three straight nights. He was probably looking for Daddy's belly button here. He has a fascination with belly buttons right now. He likes to pull up his shirt and find his too.
The day after this picture was taken, Sam woke up and decided that only Momma would do. He wants me to hold him every waking hour. No one else can hold him. And of course he doesn't want me to sit down. He wants me to give him a tour of the house. Needless to say, he's been throwing quite a few fits.

We trimmed Sam's bangs last week. They had grown past his eyes and were getting in his way. It wasn't enough hair to save and he wasn't very cooperative. I had thought about trying to get a picture, but Daddy was pretty busy holding him in a headlock.

The first half of Labor Day weekend was great. Sam was in a good mood, ate everything we put in front of him, and slept well. Sam was finishing an applesauce and Cheerios snack when Chris made yogurt smoothies for our snack. Sam ended up eating half of my snack after finishing his -- and he had a lot of fun doing it!
The second half wasn't so much fun because Sam started teething again. We're still waiting on that last molar to come in. It also seemed like one of his canines was causing him trouble too because he didn't calm down until Chris put Anbesol on those too. You know he's teething when his shirt is soaking wet, and he opens his mouth when he sees the Q-tip coming.

We had major airspace violations last weekend. It was really overcast, but they must be preparing for the upcoming balloon festival. They were all really low and going very slowly which drove Cleo absolutely crazy.

Cleo doesn't bark so this is the most noise she ever makes. Sam laughed every time she "whined."

Well, believe it or not, Sam got moved up to the next class at day care again. He was only in the last room for about two weeks. I'm not thrilled about him moving up because he really wasn't ready for it. They are trying to adjust the class down for the younger kids, but Sam is coming home extremely worn out and cranky. They sit at little tables and chairs to eat in this room and Sam has to feed himself. The number of kids also goes up from 13 kids to 2 teachers -- to 18 kids to 2 teachers. They gave me the option of moving him back down, but he'd be the oldest in that room with kids that aren't even walking. On the positive side, the room is bigger and he's being challenged to learn new skills. Most of he class is older than him, and most of the kids are talking. They even have lesson plans with vocabulary words. The teachers are also really nice.
1 comment:
There WILL be a day when he only wants Melly. Maybe that day will be when he can say my name, but there will be a day.
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