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Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Big Weekend

We went to Owens Spring Creek Farm this weekend. It's not very far from our house and they have baby animals that you can pet. This is a picture of Sam playing under a tree after we saw the animals. He likes to stand and claps when he does it. He can't go from the ground to a standing position on his own yet. He is still pulling up or reaches up for us to stand him up. He'll take a few steps, but he usually doesn't like to walk without his walker. (That might be changing though ... he was different when he came home from day care today. He's usually so cautious when he goes from standing to sitting, but he was just plopping down this evening. He was even letting go of the walker and taking a few steps unprompted.)

When we got to the farm, we went straight to the pens with the newborns and their moms. Sam got a big smile on his face and started laughing. He wasn't sure if he wanted to pet them yet. The goats were very playful.

Next we were off to see the horses. They had some beautiful and enormous draft horses. They were eating so only one of them was interested in coming to say hello.

There was one mamma hen with a bunch of baby chicks. Sam wanted to stick his finger in the cage, but Daddy held him back.

The goats and sheep in the outdoor pen are used to being fed by the visitors so the adults were very aggressive. Sam wasn't ready to give them any love and wanted Mommy to protect him.

We went to a less busy corner of the pen, and Sam made friends with a scared little lamb.

We went to the last Water Babies class Saturday morning. The water was very cold even for us, so Sam did not want to be there. We just went around the "river" a few times and tried to practice blowing bubbles. Sam still just laughs at us.

He loves our swimming pool though. We warmed up the hot tub on Sunday and took a quick dip. Sam wanted to get in the actual pool, but that's not warm enough yet.

Sam figured out how to put the balls in the dinosaur to make it light up and make sounds. He started by putting them in where they come out. He'd stuff them in there until no more would fit. Then he changed to putting them in the "right" places. Next he started trying to put his blocks and other shapes in there. I walked by one day and he all sorts of stuff crammed in the holes.

His favorite game to play right now is "throw the ball and then chase after it." He's so cute. He sits up, stretches his arms high over his head, and then throws the ball. Sometimes he lets go before his arms are in front of him so the ball goes behind him. He'll also sit down with us and roll the ball back and forth between us.

We put these stick-ups in his bathtub for decoration. It didn't take him long to figure out how to pull them off the wall, but now he tries to put them back.

Chris went on a business trip last week so it was the first time that I was at home alone with Sam. It was challenging, but we made out ok. Sam always waves at Daddy every morning as we drive off to go to day care. He waved every morning even when Daddy wasn't there. It seemed like he was looking around the house for him too. And he really knew something was up when I was giving him his bath. He was very excited when we came home from day care on Thursday and Daddy was there waiting for him.

This is a video of Sam taking some first steps with Daddy.

Cleo went on one of her hot air balloon tirades Sunday morning. Sam thought it was hilarious.

The day before Chris left for his business trip, we were taking a walk around the neighborhood, and Cleo was attacked by another dog. The dog either broke out of his fence or their kids left the gate open. It was a very vicious attack. I picked up the stroller with Sam in it to protect him. Chris was trying to separate the dogs. Cleo did a good job fighting back, but she was still recovering from the surgery on her back foot. In the end, she had a puncture wound over her eye and on her cheek and a bad bite on one of her back legs. I took her to the vet the next day. The vet gave us some ointment and antibiotics and said she would be fine. She honestly never even seemed phased by the whole even. It bothered us way more than her. Sam was very worried about her and kept checking on her and patting her when we got home.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I swear, I think y'all are giving him growth hormones because he seems to grow an inch every next post! He is so freakin cute! I miss y'all!