We had a nice Valentine's Day last week. Chris brought home a chocolate French silk pie which we had with coffee before dinner - yummy! Sam got to taste the chocolate and whipped cream, but he didn't think much of it. Sam and I went to a Valentine's party with the MCOP Mom's group. It didn't work out that great because Sam didn't want to take a nap before we left, so he fell asleep in the car. It was REALLY cold outside, so he wasn't happy to wake up and trek across the parking lot. He was ok once we got inside. We made Valentine's for Mommy and Daddy and played some games. Mostly Sam explored the room by crawling around and pulling up on things.

Sam turned 9 months old this weekend. He's started pushing his walker and his bike around the house. Of course I'm scared because we have wood floors. There isn't a lot of friction so he can get those things moving pretty fast. I tried to take him outside in the grass, but it wouldn't roll in the grass, so we ended up on the concrete sidewalk which isn't any better. His favorite indoor game is throwing something (like a block or a ball) and then chasing after it.

He can even stand up for a second or so on his own before he looses his balance. He thinks that is a lot of fun.

Lately we've been doing a sort of tag-team diaper change. Sam was throwing a fit every time we changed his diaper, so I started singing and clapping with Sam (mostly Pat-a-Cake, Acka Backa, or Itsy Bitsy Spider) while Daddy took care of the business end. This has had a humorous side effect though. Sam now starts crying and clapping when we put him on his changing table. He stops crying when I start singing (hard to believe, I know). He'll also clap when we aren't changing his diaper which is very cute and lots of fun.

Sam has moved up to the next class in day care. He was in "Beginners" and now he's in "Wobblers." It's good for him to move up to the next class because half the kids are walking there, so it's a stimulating environment. The room isn't full of swings and exersaucers, so he has lots of room to crawl around. He wasn't very happy when I dropped him off in the new room, but I know he'll be used to it in a few days. We threw out all of his pacifiers as part of his transition. He really hasn't been using them for the last month or so, and we didn't want him to form a dependence on them. His friend Jackson is in the new class now, but will probably be moving up soon. We met Jackson and Brad for dinner Friday night. It seems like Sam and Jackson are starting to recognize each other now.

Here is Daddy tickling Sam ...

Here is Sam reaching for the camera ...

Here are some videos of Sam "walking" ...
He looks like a little old man when he walks! But he's MY little old man!
Getting SO big :( Want to come visit me at the airport Saturday or Tuesday?
Sharon forwarded me your blog. Love that RED hair. They do grow up so fast - enjoy every minute. Dianne Kazan
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