We went to John and Tahereh's wedding on Saturday (Tahereh is Roya's sister). It was at The Melrose Hotel in Dallas. It was a beautiful ceremony with both Catholic and Persian traditions. Sam was teething and had a little cold this weekend so we were a little concerned about taking him with us considering that the wedding started at 8:00 p.m., but we didn't have a baby sitter. Sam slept through the ceremony, but woke up when everyone clapped. You've got to wonder what he thought when he fell asleep in the dark in a moving truck and woke up in a room full of people clapping.

Chris brought the camera so we could take a few candids at the reception. He was trying to stay out of the way of the wedding photographer, so he didn't get many shots of the couple together. This was the only shot with both of their eyes open, facing the camera, and neither one of them making a face, but it is out of focus! We had to post of picture of them though. Tahereh was beautiful and the dress was gorgeous.

Tahereh's mom got a belly dancer for the reception as a surprise. She was great and a lot of fun. Sam enjoyed the music as I danced around with him. He was awake until around 11:00 p.m. Yeah, I know, bad Mommy and Daddy. Roya said there must be a little Persian in him since he was so happy to be up so late. He was fascinated by everyone and everything. One thing in particular that caught his eye was the centerpiece with candles. He watched the fire for a long time. Roya's family hadn't seen him since he was two weeks old, so they were glad to see him too.

We met Brad and Jennifer at Haggard Park in downtown Plano on Sunday. Chris was going to take a family portrait for them. Unfortunately the temperature dropped before we got there and it started raining shortly after. Then both Sam and Jackson got a little cranky. Jennifer said late afternoon may be the best time of day for light, but it isn't the best time of day for little ones! Hopefully we'll get to try again soon on a nice sunny day. There are a lot of great parks around town which make for some great pictures.

We gave Sam bananas this weekend. They were a BIG hit. He still doesn't really seem to like the sweet potatoes, so I mixed them with bananas. He loved that!
Just a little update on Sam in general as he approaches 6 months old this Friday (yikes!) ... Sam is getting a lot bigger. He weighs about 16.5 lbs now. He moved up to size 3 diapers a few weeks ago. He's moving up to the 6 to 9 months clothes. He's starting to try to sit up. He can sit up on his own when he's in his little bouncer seat. He can't stay up very long when he's on the floor though. We keep practicing, so he's almost there. He's not trying to crawl yet, but he does a good job of spinning around on his tummy and rolling over. He's still squealing a lot, as opposed to babbling. The doctor said he'd be making ba-ba, da-da type sounds by six months, but it looks like he's satisfied with just squealing and laughing. He seems to be left-handed. He grabs and hits everything with that hand. He's sleeping in his pack-n-play now, so he's out of our bed which makes us sleep easier. He's a tummy sleeper just like me -- refuses to sleep on his back. He's also sleeping a little better at night again, only waking up twice now. He's been teething again for about a week. I think those top front teeth might cut through by Thanksgiving!
-- Emily
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