We went to our follow up with the doctor yesterday. Sam gained almost a pound in a week so he's moved up to the 14th percentile. From weighing him after every feeding for a week, it looks like he is only getting 18oz per day of breast milk. The doctor wants us to supplement from 5 to 10 oz of soy formula every day too. Our goal is to gain an ounce a day until he catches up. We won't go back to check his weight again until his four month check-up. She doesn't want us to stop breast feeding because it decreases his chances for diabetes and IBS which both run in our family -- along with numerous other benefits of breast feeding for both Sam and me.
Sam and I went to the movies yesterday, the Cry-Baby-Matinee, to see Little Miss Sunshine. It was hilarious! Sam looked around the whole time. He didn't fall asleep until the credits started rolling. He didn't fuss either though. We met a couple other moms there and had lunch after the movie.
-- Emily

He gets cuter every day! I look forward to each update so keep posting lots of pictures. Love you all bunches!
sam kinda looks like landry in that first picture. can't wait until saturday!
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