We went to get 3D sonograms yesterday and we surprised to find that the baby has his feet up by his head. The picture above is his foot on his face. Man, talk about flexibility! If you want to look at all of the picutres as a slideshow, just click here.
Overall, everything is going well. We met with the doctor in the morning and talked about the due date. Because we've got a family history of having large babies, we decided that if the delivery hasn't happened before May 23rd then we'll be in to induce then.
I don't think we've sent a shot of Emily out for a while. Here's one of her taken last weekend before we went over to Randy & Jennifer's for the film.

On another note, we just got a flash for our camera and I was hoping to take pictures of the whole sonogram operation while it was going on. Unfortunately, they didn't allow pictures. I spotted these doves outside the door of the office and took some quick shots.

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