Yiayia and Papou came to visit in June. Sam was soooo excited! Ben was cautious at first, but once he figured out how much fun Yiayia could be, he was excited too.

Eating at the little kids table.
And this is where the Thomas phase began for Ben. We have tons of trains around the house, but Ben didn't seem to notice until he had a Thomas of his own.
Playing with puzzles and learning his shapes and colors.
Chris and Nick went to the
Ham-Com (the biggest Hamfest in Texas)
This is an antenna set up for the event next to a Plano water tower.
Flex Radio firewire-based transceivers. Based out of Austin.
MFJ - based out of Starkville, MS.
Nothing like having other people playing with your toys to make them new again!
Ben thought the Sing-a-ma-jigs were hi-lar-i-ous!
Legos - still our favorite! Lego train - even better!
It has been too too hot in Texas this summer and the boys had extra energy to burn off so we set up the bounce house in the living room.
Ben was not so sure at first, but after he saw how much fun Sam was having, he joined right in.