These pictures are from back in April when we attended Presentation Day at the boys' school

Here we are waiting for Sam to go on stage and Ben is eating a little snack.
Ben was completely fascinated as soon as he figured out that Buddy was behind the curtain.
Sam sort of knew the words to the songs!
Sam chose to show us how he is learning his nouns and verbs.
First he matched up the noun cards with the verb cards to make sentences.
Then he completed his noun/verb worksheet. We didn't realize that he was working on grammar skills already.
Sam's was the first class to go and Ben's was the last, so we had lots of time for snacking on cookies. Ben kept eating one bite of a cookie and then wanting another ... like all of the goodie came out with the first bite!
Ben's presentation was a sing-a-long with the parents.
Later that night we had a picnic dinner, with gelato, and a concert by the creek.
Fancy pants.