Happy Thanksgiving! We had a wonderful day today. Melanie and Vanessa were here to share Thanksgiving lunch with us. We had turkey breast, cornbread stuffing, gravy, homemade cranberry sauce, broccoli casserole, sweet potato casserole, sauteed green beans, and pumpkin pie. Amazingly, the only thing that was made ahead of time was the stuffing that Nanner made and sent with Pops when he visited earlier this week. We had a wonderful time cooking together all morning. We had three ovens going at once, including the toaster oven. Everything came out great and it really tasted like Thanksgiving.
Here's a wider angle showing that Ben was part of the festivities. Chris just loves it when I take these shots of everyone eating, but I love looking back at the pictures later.

Here we are earlier in the morning eating breakfast in our pj's. Chris was taking a picture of me feeding Ben and Sam ran over to get in the picture.
Chris gave Ben one of his bottles last night and I put him back in bed after he ate at 6:45 since no one had to go to work or school, so I got a lot more sleep last night. We woke up to Sam standing beside our bed around 8am. He's figured out how to take the baby proofing thing off of the door knob to his room. I'm just hoping he doesn't think it's ok to go wandering around the house at night now. I really hope he doesn't go in Ben's room or try to come downstairs to our room in the dark either.

Ben is gaining weight like crazy and growing like a weed. He's outgrown the newborn clothes and diapers so he's fitting into the 3 month clothes now. He's losing the hair on the top of his head and has some baby acne which I'll be retouching on most of the pictures. (I can't help it.) He made a few cooing noises today and is doing a lot more looking around. You can see that he's really doing a good job holding his head up too. Bring on the smiles!