It's getting closer! I'm entering the third trimester now. Baby is getting bigger and so am I. I can really feel him moving around now, especially at night. I had the glucose test this week and I don't have gestational diabetes. I am still anemic though, so I'm going to have to start taking two iron pills a day. That explains why I'm so exhausted - that, a 3 year old, and my job.

We had a 3D sonogram at Stork Vision in Frisco last week. We found out that the baby is currently in a breech position. That is apparently common at this point, so my doctor says we wouldn't be concerned about that for another six weeks or so. The way the baby is positioned in this photo is exactly how he is positioned if you were looking straight at me - head at the top and feet off to my right. In this shot he has his hands behind his head and his knees against his chest.

His lips are pursed in this picture.

Here's a shot at more of a side angle.

His eyes are open and he has his hand in a fist in front of his face here. You can also see the umbilical cord laying on his chest. We made sure that it was not wrapped around his neck and that it was just lying there.

Arms, elbows, hands up around his head

And there's his tiny little foot
This is a video of a bit of the sonogram. You can see him opening and closing his eyes and mouth and moving his arms. I ate some cookies and drank a little Coke before the sonogram, but he still wasn't in the mood to be very active.

To say that Sam was not interested in the sonogram is an understatement. We tried to get him to sit on the couch next to Chris and watch the sonogram, but he kept running around the room. He also kept climbing up on the table and hugging me, saying "I love you Mommy!" Chris even missed half of the sonogram because Sam had to go potty. We tried to get Sam to wait, but he tooted and stunk up the whole room, so it was not a false alarm. I'm hoping he'll be more interested in his little brother when he can see him, touch him, and hold him, but I think we're starting to get an idea of exactly what he thinks of sharing his Mommy and DeeDah.