Recently I had to travel to the Mississippi Gulf Coast to attend my grandmother's funeral. On the morning I left, everything was going as usual and as I approached the Air Tran ticket counter, I removed my driver's license from my wallet because I'm often asked to do just that. As I used the automated baggage check system to check my bags I quickly realized that my license was no longer in my hand. I immediately scanned the floor, baggage check computer and began back tracking my steps. I looked for the better part of 10 minutes and could not find my license! I explained my situation to the Air Tran agent and she told me that it was possible to travel without ID, but I would be subjected to a more thorough check from TSA. Going through the DFW Airport TSA security checkpoint took a little longer, but they were very understanding and helpful. They provided me with a few phone numbers to call just in case my license was found or returned. While I was waiting on my flight, I made all of the necessary phone calls to the numbers the provided, but the license was still lost.
I had plenty of time to think about losing my license on the flight to Atlanta. My biggest fear was of identity theft, but thankfully Texas does not use SSN's as the driver's license number. I feared the worst, but was hopeful. I just listened to story on NPR that referenced
study done in NYC where students dropped wallets with small amounts of cash in them throughout the subway stations. Remarkably, 82% of the wallets were returned. I was hopeful, but resigned to get a replacement license when I returned, dreading the two to three hour wait that comes with the renewal (I had just gone through it in September).
My return trip was uneventful, but I can say that TSA in Gulfport was very thorough. As they went through all of my pants pockets, hat, jacket, shoes, and every lens, camera, and pocket on my camera bag I began to hope that they were going to find my license! It was not to be, but I did find out that the TSA screener was a photography buff and liked my equipment.
Today, I checked the mail and found a small hand written envelope pictured above. I picked it up and knew exactly what it was. The note below says it all.

My new license should arrive next week.