I took the day off last Friday and took Sam to Kidz Muze with the Mom's group. I acutally dropped him off at day care that morning because they had "Splash Day." He was pooped when I picked him up and slept the whole way there. I also got his first week of artwork from his new class. Here's a sample:

As you can see, this was made with Bingo Dauber Paint. He also had Feather Plate, Dribble Glue, and Scratch-N-Sniff projects. I can't wait to see what he did this week!

Kidz Muze was really neat. They had lots of play areas for kids of all ages. Sam especially loved this huge Connect 4 game. He wasn't tall enough to put the pieces in at the top, but he loved stacking them on the holders.
They even had an area with slides and tunnels and other stuff for little kids. Sam loved the slide, but he still hasn't figured out how to do it on his own. He wants to go down head first mostly. Once he was going down on his butt with me helping him and he planted his feet on the slide and started "flying" off. It scared me, and I grabbed him, but he probably wouldn't have gotten hurt any way. He's getting a lot of practice so he should have it soon enough.

We went to the Dallas World Aquarium on Saturday. We've been wanting to go for a few weeks, but we haven't felt well enough. We probably should have waited another week because Sam and I still weren't quite back to normal.

Here's Sam with Melly waiting for a table at the restaurant. We had probably only been there 30 minutes when it was time for him to eat.

We had a lot of fun at the restaurant. We were surprised that the food was great. We had a view of flamingos from where we were sitting. I ordered some french fries for Sam, but he was more interested in the ketchup.

After lunch came the big fits and it was time to leave for a nap. Sam stopped crying to enjoy this Mayan guy. He blew on a conch shell for Sam and tickled him with his feathers.

We stopped to pet this horse on the way out. Sam really liked that. He's in more of a hands-on mode right now and wants to be moving all the time. He's just not interested in being strolled or carried through exhibits that you can't touch. Trying to get out of the parking lot, we were reminded not to park the truck in tight parking spots downtown. It took us forever to get out of there an inch at a time. We were very thankful to have the DVD player in the truck and some chocolate milk for Sam!
The next morning we practiced making the sound the horse made.
We ran out to pick up a few things at Target and got this sprinkler on end-of-summer clearance. Sam liked it better when we turned it down really low.
Sam and Daddy are continuing to practice blowing bubbles in the water. Sam is getting pretty good, but still gets a mouthful every now and then. It's hard to believe, but he should be ready for real swimming lessons next summer.

We also picked up a shelf/organizer for Sam's toys in the living room. It helps him find the toy he wants without pulling everything out on the floor. Plus he has fun pulling the buckets down, pulling the toys out, putting them back in, and putting the buckets back up. Now I'm not saying it happens in that order or even one bucket at a time! I'm just saying he's having fun and I'm happy.
I had to choose between taking Sam to the doctor and taking myself to the doctor on Monday. Needless to say, Sam went on Monday, and I went on Tuesday. We're both loaded up with meds for this cough and are both starting to feel better. Sam had a little drainage in his ears, so I ended up taking him to the ENT on Wednesday, but she said everything had already cleared up and there was no infection. Hopefully, we'll all get some rest of the long weekend and ditch this virus for good!