We had some visitors for Spring Break. Grandma Mary Lou and Aunt Andrea came out the first part of the week. Then Grandpa Stanley and Aunt Melanie came out the second half.

Sam was helping Daddy put together a rack for the garage when Grandma and Andrea got here. Sam really liked the big hammer. He also liked pulling up on the rack.

Sam was pretty sick through Sunday. We thought he was recovering on Saturday because he had a great day. He was keeping down his food and playing like crazy. He vomited again Sunday morning, but that was the last time, so we were able to start his antibiotics on Monday. I'm thinking that I was just trying to give him too much formula too early in the morning and it was upsetting his stomach. His nose isn't running any more, so I'm hoping that his ear infection will clear up. Of course I started feeling sick mid week, and so did Chris. Melanie even managed to pickup something and got sick the following Saturday. We'll be taking Sam to the doctor on Thursday, so I'm hoping for good news.

When Sam was feeling better on Sunday, we went to
IKEA. It was HUGE. After we'd been looking around for about an hour and a half, I realized that we'd only made it through about half of the showroom, so we headed downstairs for some real shopping. Here's a photo of Sam rolling around on a pile of rugs.

Back at home Sam was playing with my magazine when he realized that there was a pretty lady on the back page. We got a bunch of laughs when he decided to start kissing the magazine.

Sam really loves to listen to music and have us sing songs to him now. Here Aunt Andrea was playing some Raffi and singing along.

We went outside one morning and saw these mallards in my neighbor's yard. It appears that there was a female duck in the bushes (we saw her there the next day). We are thinking that maybe she laid some eggs in their bushes because they kept coming back every morning to stand guard.

Here's a picture of Grandma playing with Sam. He loves pat-a-cake!

By the time Grandpa and Aunt Melly arrived on Wednesday, Sam had been out of day care for a week and was very used to getting lots of attention. Here's Aunt Melanie playing with Sam and his shape sorter. He loves it when you stack the blocks into towers so he can knock them over.

Sam was having a little bit of trouble going to bed last week because of Daylight Savings Time. It was a struggle to get him in bed between 7:30 and 8:00. We were pretty tired because Sam was also waking up a couple of times a night. Grandpa took care of us and cooked lots of yummy food so we could relax in the evening.

Sam was in a great mood on Saturday. He laughed more than he's ever laughed before, which of course means that he got the hiccups a lot. That is so strange. Maybe I should ask his doctor if she's ever heard of that before. I keep thinking he'll grow out of that. Here's Aunt Melly tickling Sam's neck.

Sam has learned some cute new tricks. He can wave hello/good-bye now. He can make a bah-bah-bah sound. He started out only being able to do it when he put his hand in his mouth, but he's made it a few times now on his own. He can say da-da and he seems to know what it means. He does this funny thing when we change his diaper where he puts his arms and legs out straight and stiff as a board and kinda holds his breath. He waits for us to laugh at him, then he stops and laughs too. I think it is cute and very funny, and it makes diaper changes easier because he hasn't been crying as much. He's also sticking out his tongue a lot and making a fishy face. He started shaking his head no. He laughs when we shake our heads back at him. He's also started "singing" along quietly when we sing and sometimes just "sings" to himself. It's not really a hum because his mouth is open. It's just the sweetest little sound.
Sam has also started throwing some little fits when we don't let him do what he wants --- I mean real fits. He used to do the normal whining or crying, but now he puts his arms down by his side and pretty much goes board straight and starts screaming. We try to distract him and calm him down when we are at home, but if we happen to be out, especially at a restaurant, he is probably going to get what he wants.

We took this picture of Sam in a onsie that one of Chris's coworkers got him. We love the geek humor!