Today ends my little mini-vacation. I can't say that I've gotten a whole bunch done in my time off, but I feel a lot better. I need to do this more often!
Emily washed all of the baby clothes, hung them up, and got the nursery ready yesterday. The picture below is of one of the stuffed animals hanging from the mobile over the crib. I played with the picture a bit to get the saturated colors and to throw everything behind the first animal out of focus.

Now it's hurry up and wait. The due date is May 23rd, but we're prepared if he shows up early.
If it isn't evident by now, I've gotten into photography. I've really enjoyed taking pictures of friends and family. I think the logic behind it was that Emily got the nice camera for her birthday and that I should learn to use it so I could take pictures of her progress along the pregnancy and to be ready when she delivers the baby.
Of course, that's how it all starts. It's now evolved into something a bit bigger. I got a lens and a flash not too long ago and I like to think that's made a big difference in the pictures we've been taking. Last week I decided to get one more lens before Emily has the baby. I'm currently waiting for the UPS man to show up with the lens below. It's a 70-200mm zoom lens and it should allow me to get shots at a greater distance without being so obtrusive.